

Apocalyptica dará firma de autógrafos en México

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Apocalyptica se presenta en México, D.F. los días 8 y 9 de julio y  los finlandeses darán una firma de autógrafos en Mixup de Plaza Inbursa Cuicuilco, también de la capital mexicana, a partir de la 1:00 PM, además de que habrá una preventa exclusiva de su álbum 7th Symphony (ver portada) a salir el 23 de agosto. Si pre-ordenas del CD recibirás una litografía de edición limitada.

Ve aquí el video de su primer sencillo, End Of Me, con Gavin Rossdale (Bush) a la voz.

Gracias Fan From Hell


  1. I myself do have a sinilbg, a younger brother. Unfortunately, we’re not very close anymore; he seems to have a great dislike for me most days, that periodically break through when, from time to time, I bring/pick him up from somewhere (in my mom’s van) and he’ll actually hold a small amount of conversation with me. We weren’t always like this though, we used to do a fair amount together when we were younger, particularly in terms of watching movies. Every night (or rather, those when school wasn’t the next day) we’d spend a good 30-60 minutes doing «inny-minny-minny-moe» with the tapes (back in the nostalgic days of VHS) and whittling our selection down to just one. Once we discovered Wizard of Oz, no matter what tape was picked, we usually switched it out for that one.Easter mornings were spent tip-toeing through the house when my parents were still asleep splitting the chocolates. Christmas was spent with our new toys splayed out all over the living room (to be fair, it was a small-ish house, just big enough to be cozy for a family of four). However, we fought constantly there was no end to it. I’m sure we drove (and still occasionally drive) my parents nuts with it. We fought over the computer, over the tv remote, over the video games (all of which belonged to him until I was around 18 and started buying my own.) There was no easy way to deal with us, so my mother usually punished us both. (Most ‘punishments’ involved telling each of us to knock off whatever we were doing, but occasionally we were sent to our rooms…which…now that I think about it must have been quite interesting when we share a room, but my memories of that time are vague, as we were quite young). I maintain that he started most of it (and if you asked him, he’d say the same about me). While, despite his bratty moody-ness, I love my brother very much, I always wished for more sinilbgs. An older and younger sister as well as an older brother. (My best friend was the youngest in a family of four). Unfortunately, I never got another one, so there was no one to tie-break between us.I’d also like to say, as I’ve just stumbled upon this blog and finished Graceling an hour ago, at most. (no spoilers, don’t worry). That I adored it very much, and am very happy that a succession (because I have now decreed that two of anything is equal to a succession) of them are coming out. Yays. ^^-Tsakaki

  2. I must say that I am lucky enough to have a sietsr and a brother. One of each 😉 I am the oldest, an d my siblings and I are all three years apart. I am currently in college and not living at home, but from the beginning, I have always been so thankful that they have one another now that I am not there on a regular basis. I definitely think our family worked out really well, despite the fact that I vowed to my mother that I would only have one child when it was my turn. Now, I may just have three kiddos to spite my younger self.As for the amazingness that are my siblings— my sietsr, Lex, is my best friend, and I adore my brother to pieces (my sietsr and I call him LOO Bird).. He will surely be a heartbreaker and is one fabulous skateboarder if I do say so. We all have this indescribable bond. My sietsr never ceases to cheer me up, and I think she is the only person who has any true conception of who I really am. My brother has been one of the most mature and compassionate boys I have ever known, which is a serious understatement… Other people seem to say that he «just knows.» I don’t know if that makes sense, but I don’t know how to describe it any other way. It’s funny, we certainly disagree about many things, but I cannot think of one right now.. Go figure. Though we do disagree, we seem to do the opposite quite a bit more. Books (cough– Graceling) are a great example. My sietsr and I swap books like other girls share clothing… It’s a little ridiculous 8-)Okay, funny story to end this incredibly long comment. One time, my sietsr was following me around, mimicing me in every way possible. I decided to go to the living room, and as I bent down, turned around and opened my mouth, she opened her mouth to repeat what I was about to say and I farted in her mouth!! That is definitely a memory that has me absolutely giggling inside right now, and I will never forget it. I can’t wait to tell her future husband, and hopefully, we will have more similar adventures =) –Candelion(if you remember, this is codename for a girl with a sietsr who calls her «canda» and thinks she was a chameleon in another life)

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