Helloween edita el 9 de noviembre su nuevo trabajo 7 Sinners (ver portada), su larga duración inédito número 13. Uno de sus miembros originales, el guitarrista Michael Weikath, comentó al respecto de este disco para el medio Metal Assault.
"Tiene un sonido brillante. Es gran material, muy bueno y nos tomó esfuerzo para hacerlo porque estuvimos grabando en 432 hertz en vez de 440.
Es el (disco) más rápido y pesado en años. Si quieren compararlo con 'Walls Of Jericho' que quizá sea el más crudo y rápido que hicimos al principio, el nuevo suena mejor que 'Walls Of Jericho', el cual no cumple con los estandares de hoy. Hablando de las técnicas que usó el baterista Dani (Löble), tiene partes ultra rápidas en este que no pueden ser comparadas porque necesitas cierta técnica para lograr esos golpes, de otra manera el baterista no podría tocar eso. Así que, como es capaz de hacer esas cosas, quería mostrarlas."
Helloween estrenará dentro de poco el video para su primer sencillo, Are You Metal?
Michael Weikath forma parte de nuestro artículo: 15 Grandes Dúos de Guitarra en el Heavy Metal.
It was to be my first time as a juror and I arrived at the Courthouse in Mineola early on September 11, 2001. All the jurros were seated on the second floor overlooking the long walkway leading to the entrance, including one man with a small transistor radio. We were all engrossed in our thoughts, newspapers, and books when the man with the radio stated that a plane had crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center, where he worked for Port Authority. I remember hoping it wasn’t another terrorist attack like back in 1993. Apparently others thought the same thing as we each flashed looks at one another. No sooner we settled back into whatever we were doing when the man with the radio said there had been another hit. I knew. I think we all knew by the time the cell phones started ringing that this was a deliberate attack on our country, our freedom, our futures. I wanted to get out of that building a government building but stood looking out the huge plate glass window. I watched a very large man in a dark suit carrying a briefcase drop to his knees crying into his cell phone. Others were hugging, running, yelling. Others, not knowing, looked bewilderingly at those who already knew.We were sent home and asked to come back the next day. On Wednesday most of us were back at the courthouse but the case was postponed. The judge asked if any of us was directly affected. The man with the radio stood up to tell us that he had lost all his buddies from Port Authority and how he was spared because he was chosen for jury duty. I don’t remember that man’s face or his name, but sometimes I pray for him.
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