

Onslaught deja escuchar fragmento de sencillo

3 comentarios Noticias

Onslaught permite escuchar extracto de su primer sencillo The Sound of Violence, a incluirse en su próximo larga duración Sounds Of Violence (ver portada), a editarse este 28 de enero en Europa y el 8 de febrero en Estados Unido. El material estará disponible en vinil, CD estandar y en digipack limitado.

Da click aquí para escuchar el cover a Motörhead, Bomber, que se encuentra en el sencillo que sale este 17 de diciembre. Conoce más en este link.


  1. If you’re reading this, you’re on my new web host, Media Temple. Surpass Hosting just wasn’t ciuttng it for me. The recent twenty-four downtime, and an additional twenty-four hours to get everything functional was just too much. I couldn’t take it any longer, so I switched to Media Temple’s Shared Server Professional. I’m only signed up at the moment for three months, but I have a feeling I’ll be hosted with them for some time to come. I always hear great things about them, so hopefully (mt) is the host to finally get me out of this jam.

  2. Ciara Baby!I think you’re going to get breast iplnamts and I wish you all the best! Thank you for being open about your journey and always keeping it real!! Can’t wait to see how you place at the upcoming show. You’re going to ROCK it. BTB! PL&J

  3. I made the graphics, Chevy made most of the conidg (really all of it, except the wave-creation functions). We decided it’d be cool if everything in the game looked ugly, and that’s kind of how the graphical style turned out.@PsySal: It definitely is weird

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