

Helloween con su nuevo sencillo en línea

6 comentarios Noticias

Helloween deja escuchar más adelante su nuevo sencillo Are You Metal?, para el LP 7 Sinners (ver portada), a editarse el 9 de noviembre y que fue producido por Charlie Bauerfeind.

“Para todos ustedes que encontraron nuestro disco de éxitos ‘Unarmed’, muy tranquilo y calmado, les tengo gratas noticias: ¡El nuevo álbum los golpeará directo en la cara!” dice el bajista Markus Grosskopf. “¡Va a ser muy pesado y contendrá todas las características de Helloween! Algunas canciones son muy poderosas e hímnicas, otras contienen los patrones de doble bombo que nuestra baterista Dani (Löble) jamás haya tocado, ¡y eso significa mucho!"


  1. Ya escuche 3 tracks y Raise the noise & I'm free estan chingonas, ese helloween poderoso, Are you metal me parecio una copia de To the metal de Gamma Ray 🙁

  2. Excelente cancion, junto a raise the noise y im free, con estas 3 canciones y al escuchar los samples me atrevo a decir que no sera un disco, sera un discazo!

  3. esta cancion no tienen nada parecido mas que el metal en el titulo con la cancion de gamma ray, para el que comento eso.
    escuche los samples y me suena bien, muy bien.

  4. On October 21 I attended the Congressional henirag entitled The 2010 Census Master Address File: Issues and Concerns. At this henirag, I not only learned about what census and Dr. Groves specifically are doing to make this census the most accurate and complete census to date, but also what the census could do better.As an concerned and active citizen, I was disconcerted to hear all the shortcomings of the Census Bureau, including: an address canvassing budget cost overrun of 25%, questionable hiring practices, and a lack of local, community partnerships. While it is reassuring to hear about some of the partnerships Dr. Groves highlighted, I still question if the census bureau is on track to capture an accurate picture of American demography.In trying to generate support and cooperation for the 2010 census, the Census Bureau should take the recommendations of the California Rural Legal Assistance group seriously. As Director of Litigation, Advocacy, & Training, Ilene Jacobs recommended that the Census Bureau improve the Master Address File (MAF) by using targeted update-enumerate procedures, evaluating hard-to-locate housing units and the MAF, and incorporating best practices into the American Community Survey (ACS.Overall, Ms. Jacobs stressed that Census needed to go beyond the useful, but basic, cooperation typical of local Complete Count Committees and the basic cheerleading function of encouraging census participation. As we move closer to April 1st, I can only hope that the Bureau will take these suggestions to heart and ensure that the 2010 census IS the most accurate and complete census to date.

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