

Hunting The Human de Winterhorde

4 comentarios Noticias

Winterhorde, agrupación de origen israelí, debutan el video para el track Hunting The Human, de Underwatermoon, disco que sacaron en julio de este año, producido por V. Santura (Pestilence, Tryptikon).

El clip cuenta con la participación de la actriz israelí, Angel Ogasta


  1. Jason,It’s one of my favourites. The Nov Issue of Elle Magazine just itewrviened me asking me to give examples of movie which shaped my believes when I was 21 (coz it’s the 21 birthday of ELLE this month), I named «Good Will Hunting» without second thought!

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  3. Is this connected to liinvg in farm country and possibly pastures being flooded? I know, I’m trying to find a logical connection between what she might have overheard to their imaginations. I think it’s time for me to get back on coffee. I’ll start with decaf and see if that improves my thinking!

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