

Escucha Earthbound de The Soulless

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The Soulless debuta un track en línea llamado Earthbound, conjunto de death metal que antes se nombraban Ignominious Incarceration. El tema se encuentra en su etapa de pre-producción y se encontrará en su próximo larga duración.


  1. Here’s a way to think about the free will/determinism paradox that I’ve found heuplfl:Shuffle a deck of cards. What’s the probability that the top card is the ace of spades?According to elementary probability theory, 1/52, but in real life, it’s either 1 or 0 depending on whether the top card is the ace of spades or not. It either is or isn’t; cards are macro objects not subject to quantum indeterminacy, and with a good enough high-speed camera, I could have watched your shuffle and told you precisely whether the top card was or wasn’t an ace of spades.Now think about the choice of whether or not I visit Dr. Shallit’s blog. The decision can be completely deterministic, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I know what the decision is until its made. Just like I don’t know the true probability of the top card being an ace of spades until I look, I don’t know whether I’m going to choose to visit Recursivity until I do. And once I’ve made the choice to visit the blog, I can’t rewind and make the opposite choice any more than I can put the top card back, draw again, and get a different result.In many cases where people invoke «randomness,» the only true source of unpredictability is a lack of knowledge of the initial conditions or transformative rules of a system. Until you can take a brain state, clone it, and have each instance arrive at a different decision based on the same input, there is no reason to suspect that the brain is anything but a deterministic, wholly material computational device (with an admittedly complex and inscrutable architecture), at least with respect to free will and determinism. Of course, the alternative to compatibilism is that «free will» means «determined without respect to material phenomena,» or more simply, «completely at random.» Is that the moral, humane, dignified picture of the human person that the religious are trying to push?–Dan L.

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