

Febrero – Crowbar

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CrowbarSever The Wicked Hand

E1 Music


1. Isolation (Desperation)
2. Sever The Wicked Hand
3. Liquid Sky And Cold Black Earth
4. Let Me Mourn
5. The Cemetery Angels
6. As I Become One
7. A Farewell To Misery
8. Protectors Of The Shrine
9. I Only Deal In Truth
10. Echo An Eternity
11. Cleanse Me, Heal Me
12. Symbiosis

Escucha The Cemetery Angels

Enero – Stratovarius

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Eagle Records


1. Darkest Hours
2. Under Flaming Skies
3. Infernal Maze
4. Fairness Justified
5. The Game Never Ends
6. Lifetime In A Moment
7. Move The Mountain
8. Event Horizon
9. Elysium
10 Castaway (Bonus para Japón)

Escucha Darkest Hours

Diciembre – Motörhead

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MotörheadThe World Is Yours

Motörhead Music


1. Born To Lose
2. I Know How To Die
3. Get Back In Line
4. Devils In My Head
5. Rock 'n' Roll Music
6. Waiting For Th Snake
7. Brotherhood Of Man
8. Outlaw
9. I Know What You Need
10. Bye Bye Bitch Bye Bye

Escucha Bye Bye Bitch Bye Bye

Noviembre – The Ocean

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The OceanAnthropocentric

Metal Blade Records


1. Anthropocentric
2. The Grand Inquisitor I: Karamazov Baseness
3. She Was The Universe
4. For He That Wavereth…
5. The Grand Inquisitor II: Roots & Locusts
6. The Grand Inquisitor III: A Tiny Grain Of Faith
7. Sewers Of The Soul
8. Wille Zum Untergang
9. Heaven TV
10. The Almightiness Contradiction
11. The Grand Inquisitor IV: Exclusion From Redemption

Escucha She Was The Universe:

Octubre – Intronaut

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IntronautValley Of Smoke

Century Media


1. Elegy
2. Above
3. Miasma
4. Sunderance
5. Core Relations
6. Below
7. Valley Of Smoke
8. Past Tense

Escucha Elegy:

Septiembre – Torche

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TorcheSongs For Singles

Hydra Head


1. U.F.O.
2. Lay Low
3. Hideaway
4. Arrowhead
5. Shine On My Old Ways
6. Cast Into Unknown
7. Face The Wall
8. Out Again

Escucha U.F.O.:

Agosto – Iron Maiden

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Iron MaidenThe Final Frontier

Sony Legacy


1. Satellite 15… The Final Frontier
2. El Dorado
3. Mother Of Mercy
4. Coming Home
5. The Alchemist
6. Isle Of Avalon
7. Starblind
8. The Talisman
9. The Man Who Would Be King
10. When The Wild Wind Blows

Escucha The Final Frontier:

Julio – Insidious Disease

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Insidious DiseaseShadowcast

Century Media


1. Nuclear Salvation
2. Boundless
3. Conceived Through Hate
4. Abortion Stew
5. The Desire
6. Rituals Of Bloodshed
7. Facemask
8. Value In Flesh
9. Abandonment

Escucha Rituals Of Bloodshed:

Junio – Nachtmystium

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NachtmystiumAddicts: Black Meddle Part II

Century Media


1. Cry For Help
2. High On Hate
3. Nightfall
4. No Funeral
5. Then Fires
6. Addicts
7. The End Is Eternal
8. Blood Trance Fusion
9. Ruined Life Continuum
10. Every Last Drop

Escucha Addicts:

Mayo – Exodus

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ExodusExhibit B: The Human Condition

Nuclear Blast


1. The Ballad Of Leonard And Charles
2. Beyond The Pale
3. Hammer And Life
4. Class Dismissed (A Hate Primer)
5. Downfall
6. March Of The Sycophants
7. Nanking
8. Burn, Hollywood, Burn
9. Democide
10. The Sun Is My Destroyer
11. A Perpetual State Of Indifference
12. Good Riddance
13. Devil's Teeth

Escucha Downfall: