Apocalyptica apoya la causa de exploración en cuanto a cáncer de mama en su país (como todo el mundo por estos días) con el cintillo color rosa y así lo manifestó en su natal Finlandia dentro de la campaña "Cancer Society of Finland's Pink Ribbon".
Al cuarteto se le puede ver interpretando Paranoid de Black Sabbath a raíz de esta campaña. Apocalyptica explica:
"Para celebrar la venta de 30,000 cintillos rosas, tocamos 'Paranoid' (en Finlandia 'tocar' 'Paranoid' es el eslogan que la gente grita en cada show para cada banda). Para esta campaña, varios finlandeses conocidos prometieron hacer algo inusual cuando las ventas crecieran. Esperamos que se diviertan con esto y por favor formen parte su campaña local del cintillo rosa alrededor del mundo."
that she felt free and felt like going out to dance. But truly, when Paul talked about the blood stain and that being a renmebramce of the miscarriage, Amy kept quiet and started crying. I think at that moment those were her real feelings about the miscarriage. Secretly, she truly wanted to have the baby. The reason she acted like she did not care about the miscarriage was so that no one will pity her. She did not want people to know that it actually meant a lot to her, so she played the part of being relieved and energetic.2. Paul used silence as a way to let Amy figure out herself how she feels. He would ask her a question and then wait for her to talk, while not interrupting in order for her to let out her inner feelings. The silence was a way for both Amy and Paul to figure things out in their own minds and to try and make sense of everything that was said. In the beginning when Amy was flirting with Paul, he would pause and then avoid her questions altogether and change the subject. I do not think it was unfair of Paul to be silent at times because it did not seem to affect Amy in a negative way. It gave her a chance to think deeply and be truthful to Paul.3. I do think Jake is very controlling, but he does have a reason to be. At the end when Amy got up to leave Jake kept asking, Where are you going? Why are you going? When do you think you’ll be home? Amy wants to make a point by making Jake jealous. Amy told Paul about Reeves, her boss, and how he makes Jake jealous. But, Amy tells Paul that she is a married woman so she would never have an affair with Reeves. Jake is paranoid that she will cheat on him with any guy she meets. Until Jake and Amy talk things out in a civil manner, Jake will always be controlling of her because of the way she acts around other men. Amy feels as if she can never win with Jake and that he will never understand, so Amy’s way of gaining control in the relationship is to make Jake jealous.
our absolute faoirvtes from 2011. We were laughing the whole time with these two just like at their engagement session. The wedding was beautiful and fun perfect for Palm Springs. We went on to follow them to the after
THIS was an amazing weiddng!!!! the both of you looked beautiful!!!. Tom you are so sweet, when Amy started down the isle, those big ole tears melted my heart!!! I know the two of you are going to have an amazing life together.. and, ,amy I have known you since the day you were born,, and I have to say You have grown into a beautiful, smart, sweet and wonderful young lady!!!Russ and I are were so happy to be a part of your special day, and I hope to see ya’ll soon,, Have a great honeymoon and be safe .