

Sully Erna con video como solista

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Sully Erna lanza el video para Sinner's Prayer, canción de su debut como solista Avalon, editado la semana pasada.

"Hay verdaderas emociones (en el disco)," dice el intérprete. "A veces fue muy doloroso componer algunas de estas canciones porque fui muy vulnerable en este disco. Fue un gran riesgo que tuve que tomar porque Godsmack es más cerrado. Es un mal grande que está ahí en las giras. Esto fue muy íntimo para mí. Aún escucho este disco y me sorprendo durante ciertos momentos."


  1. Look I will be the first to say I am a huge Crue fan. I even bought titkecs to the opening show in Vegas on Feb 3, 2012. Now that I said that I am a little embarrassed for them when Nikki states that they want to go out like Zepplin huh? Like it or not, the Crue is a novelty bad that has lasted for many years but most agree that the top music they made was Too Fast For Love and Shout. After that they had a hits here and there. They are bad ass looking and have an attitude which we love as Crue fans but they are no Led Zepplin and they are not at the top like he says huh? At the top? No .they are not at the top.Another point .Vince stated that he is thinking about quitting after the Vegas run. Nikki says that they are a tight band that will go for another few years up to five. Looks to me that the communication between Vince and Nikki sucks which is has since the beginning. As you can see Nikki, Mick or Tommy has made any comments about Vince saying he wants to possibly leave the band. I’m sure the Vegas shows are going to be a happy event.Now as you can see from Nikki’s actions for jumping over the guard rail to get a camera?? He used to promote fans to bring video cameras and video tape the entire show!! He is stressed because the band is about to implode again for the I cant count how many times. Nikki made a bad business move to act like that really what is the picture or video going to do to hurt the band really really immature.I think that we are seeing the end of the Crue here very shortly. Better get to Vegas to see them!!

  2. Ok hope your sitting down… I have jonied in!!!I have done a basic card this time. unfortuately I have lost my piece of paper that tells me how to link my card, this was due to moving!!So click on my name and your arrive at my blog where the card is!!!Caroline x

  3. Ok hope your sitting down… I have joneid in!!!I have done a basic card this time. unfortuately I have lost my piece of paper that tells me how to link my card, this was due to moving!!So click on my name and your arrive at my blog where the card is!!!Caroline x

  4. Wow I cannot beveile my luck, I have spent the whole weekend making my valentine card and it fills the brief perfectly. First time I have done full insides to my card and envelope to boot!!!! Would love your comments if you stop by xxx

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