

Trouble a punto de grabar nuevo álbum

4 comentarios Noticias

Trouble lanza un ligero comunicado que apunta a su entrada al estudio para grabar su nuevo álbum, primero con el cantante Kory Clarke.

"Trouble se está preparando ahora para el estudio. Hemos estado haciendo grabaciones preliminares y trabajando las cosas en orden de obtener el mejor lanzamiento de Trouble posible.

Estamos extremadamente contentos con la dirección de las canciones. Pesadez y melodía son las palabras para describir este trabajo." 

Simple Mind Condition, el anterior larga duración de los de Chicago se lanzó en 2007 y contó por última vez con Eric Wagner a la voz.


  1. I was introduced to your work trohugh Chris Horner. He spoke to me of your dynamic aeration design, based upon the geometric pumping action of the heart. I can see that you are an astute student of design and biomimicry, bringing together exoteric and hidden elements that can be most efficient, elegant, and with a level of biological insight and integrity that begs for applications. I may have some. Look forward to meeting with you

  2. Quite brilliant. It rlaley is interesting to contemplate all the deaths suffered inside of a life, and how each one of them plants a seed for the next incarnation. Almost as if the soul is providing us with answers to the here and now as well as to what comes next, if we’d only stop and listen. Sorry, this is what happens when I have a morning of leisure.

  3. Dear Lily:I also walked the entire distance without any water on Walk for Water event we hosted on Earth Month of 2010.I know I can make it because the weather is not so hot and the distance is manageable. The idea is to be empathetic to those people ( most female and children ) who have to walk 6 miles to carry their water for daily use.I believe if we all have to walk 6 miles to get water supply, instead of faucet water in the kitchen sink, we all will not waste any water mindlessly. I like the idea that everyday is Earth Day.Thanks for the comments.Ping

  4. Por cierto, rtepsceo a la encuesta. He votado que sed he escuchado, pero parece que voy perdiendo :(Lo que hago es aprovechar que pones mfasica para ver si algfan grupo (sobre todo los de magnatune) me gusta en especial. Luego voy a magnatune y me bajo la discografeda. Te recomiendo que sigas poniendo mfasica. Me parece una buena forma de conocer autores y difundir la mfasica libre.

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