Sleep, institución del stoner, se ha reformado y acaban de anunciar una gira por Estados Unidos durante el mes de septiembre, con algunas fechas con grupos abridores como Lichens, Yob, Sub Oslo y el integrante de Neurosis, Scott Kelly.
* Sep 03 All Tomorrow's Parties – Monticello, NY
* Sep 07 Starlight Ballroom – Philadelphia, PA
* Sep 08 Brooklyn Masonic Temple – Nueva York, NY c/ Lichens
* Sep 09 Logan Square Auditorium – Chicago, IL c/ Lichens
* Sep 10 Mohawk – Austin, TX c/ Sub Oslo
* Sep 11 Roseland Theater/Music Fest NW – Portland, OR c/ Scott Kelly, Yob
* Sep 12 Regency Ballroom – San Francisco, CA
Sleep se separó en 1997, habiendo debutado en 1991 con Volume One, siendo el más recordado Sleep's Holy Mountain de 1993.
De Sleep se conformaron grupos como Om, High On Fire o Shrinebuilder.
Thanks Megz for leaving a cmeomnt! I’m really excited about your first altar and you ask a great (and practical) question. There are many things you can do with the fruits and veggies from your altar and every tradition handles it differently. Personally, I don’t believe that there is a wrong way to celebrate life and it’s bounty. When I am doing a ritual that includes food such as an apple that we place on the altar to be filled with blessings then it is eaten and shared at the end of the ritual. When you are placing seasonal fruits and veggies on your altar as an offering to the Mystery/Divine, then those things are most often composted when they are close to expiring . Since it is the season of magical gourds squash, these things will keep for a long time, so I will throw them into the cooking pot as needed and carve the pumpkins at Samhain. As a new explorer , I would encourage you to do what feels right for you and not be afraid of experimenting the heart opens when we are having fun. You can’t do it wrong. Send me a pic, if you feel inspired. Happy Fall, Heather
Dear Heather, I got directed to your blog just a day befroe this Equinox and absolutely love the site. I follow your blog on regular basis and loved the post Art & Magic: Honoring a Work-in-Progress . And thanks a lot for sharing those precious photos with us. As I am a relatively new explorer of spiritual side, I am planning to set up my first altar tomorrow. However, need to check something with you. What do we do with fruits we place on Altar? Are we supposed to eat it later or give it away or dispose it off? Please help. Thanks n Care,Megz