

Nuevo DVD y CD en vivo de Lynyrd Skynyrd

3 comentarios Noticias

Lynyrd Skynyrd lanzará el 22 de junio su nuevo CD y DVD en vivo llamado Live From Freedom Hall, a través de Roadrunner Records. Los sureños promocionan ambas producciones con el clip del DVD de Gimme Three Steps.


  1. October 9, 2013 My dad is of the same mind set. He points out that for most of human htsoiry, save for the past hundred years or so, you had to actually be in the presence of a musician to hear the music. Also, you probably were interacting in some way- be it by song or dance. This meant that all of your attention was most likely focused on that music. And now, in our modern times, when music is so often just background, he feels that we have lost something. I tend to agree.

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