Flotsam And Jetsam retorna en 2010 con el álbum The Cold, del que ya puedes ver su portada más adelante, creada por Travis Smith (Nevermore, Opeth). El disco que estará disponible el 14 de septiembre a través de Driven Music Group, contendrá diez canciones según dice el guitarrista Mark Simpson.
"Son diez canciones, todas brutales y aniquiladoras, ninguna de relleno."
Algunos títulos para los tracks son Take, Hypocrite, Black Cloud, Falling Short y Secret Life.
Me late la portada, me late mucho la noticia
Thanks Kath for this thought poirokvng article. We are just about to begin a unit of inquiry which we have done previously.. Reading both your article and Lyn Erickson’s paper re Concept-based teaching and learning has guided my reflection on the unit. I hope that now it will develop from more of an inquiry stance using your suggestion of a rich question to drive the inquiry. This will keep the learner thinking which should lead to increased understanding and be more conceptually driven through the children drawing out / identifying supporting concepts.
That’s a smart way of thinking about it.
Don’t be afraid to gaethr up the pieces you have scattered all over the place up until now. Put them all together in a place. The urge to build or create can come from the volume of pieces .or the wonderful variety of colors .or the sizes or just the need to sort them into a semblance of order out of chaos
The value of the text comes from within. Perhaps it is never seen or coedisernd watered down as you say, but didn’t you really write it for you? Or are we all just looking for someone to notice us? I too struggle with this By the way yo yo’s aren’t erotic, word manipulaters are. Poets can see the erotic side to anything besides you picked the picture!
I’m not quite sure Sgt. Friday, that women will abandon Obama. City Journal dubebd him «the National Shaman» and like Oprah or Whoopi on the View, women love that guy.Even though Dems will push MASSIVE tax increases: health care, on soda, carbon cap and trade, pretty much everything, the media will never report it (and thus women will never know) and Obama’s fingerprints will not be on it.Besides, I think most women would gladly give up middle class entitlements, even for their kids, in order to «stick it to the White man» … this is particularly true of middle and lower class White women. Go to female-oriented forums and observe the casual attitudes there of the overwhelmingly White women posters.Or look at commercials. Blacks are far over-represented in commercials, are only 12.%% of the population and make up only 40% middle class or better of that 12.5% — which is 8.6% of the population.There is a commercial for «Go RV’ing» … narrated by Tom Selleck. There is a series of them, actually, all aimed at women (loving shots of sons experiencing/learning history through travel in the US). One features a series of black kids with the black mother lovingly watching them do activities in stunning settings. Followed by shots of the black father acting like an idiot at a football stadium [with the RV in the background for all the shots.] Tagline: enjoy the outdoors with you kids … all of them.This commercial is not aimed at the 4.3% of the population (assuming even distribution men/women in the 8.6% of the population that is both Black and Middle Class and can thus afford RVs).It’s obviously not aimed at White middle class men.It’s aimed at White middle class women. Obviously marketers think Blacks have a totemic influence on White middle class women. You see this pattern all the time — in commercials for Life Insurance (NY Life), middle class consumer products, and more, aimed at White middle class women. By contrast, Blacks have far less presence in commercials aimed at men.