Más thrash de la vieja escuela sobre el océano se dará, cuando Exodus se presente en 70000 Tons Of Metal, 4 días, 40 bandas, 1 Crucero y sólo 2000 boletos. El conjunto acaba de confirmar su aparición en dicho evento que será inolvidable.
Son ahora 18 las agrupaciones confirmadas de las 40 que provocarán un maremoto en enero de 2011.
El crucero navegará, hasta ahora, con:
Amon Amarth
Death Angel
Sonata Arctica
Uli Jon Roth
Para más información visita: 70000tons.com
Ja ja ja Eulogio menuda impersif3n te debemos estar dando Pues si, paramos y pasamos por casa. Estos videos de Egipto son del pasado af1o, nuestras vacaciones de 2008. Es que cuando me pongo a grabar me queda material para mucho tiempo Preparaos para lo que vieneUn saludo a tod@sVador
EXODUS 1:1 -2.25 The story of Moses’s birth and early life is a telling acncout , for Christians as well as Jews , of the variance between God’s law and will and man’s law and will . The baby Moses born in the worst of times [ his people enslaved in Egypt and with a command by the Pharoah in place that all Hebrew male babies be drowned} is hidden away by his mother [ to save him from death at the behest of Pharoah’s law] , no doubt in keeping with God’s providence and plan for him. As a young , impetuous man he kills an Egyptian in breach both of Man made / Egyptian law and in breach moreover of God’s law . Yet God has a design in mind for Moses and out of the imperfect , sinning and unpromising human agent , Moses , ( rather as with David , Jacob and others of God’s agents for his will) ,God will make full use.In time , this Moses will be led to say to the people of Israel Choose between obedience and disobedience ,between the God of Israel and the Gods of Baal/ Paganism , between good and evil ,right and wrong , between blessing and curse ,green pastures and barren wastes , between life and death. In other words ;do God’s will , and all will be well in the end ; don’t and there’ll be disaster ultimately.
To all A.I.C TALA mrebems and EMMANUEL PRAYER FELLOWSHIP( Nguluni) mrebems.My prayer for the true brethrens May the powers that parted the red sea part your seas in Jesus name’.BE A TRUE BRETHREN ifyou are not by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal saviour less you perish. Jhn.3:16