

Unlocked iniciará grabación de su debut

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Procedente de diversas raíces en bandas exponents del black metal extreme, surge Unlocked con miembros de Enthroned, Gorgoroth, God Seed, Abhorrence, entre otras. La nueva agrupación entrará a los Blackout Studios en Bruselas, Bélgica para iniciar la grabación de su album debut, cuyo lanzamiento está programado para finales de año, a través de Crossfirecult Records.

El sonido de la banda es descrito como música extrema combinada con elementos thrash.

La alineación de Unlocked es:

Nornagest (Enthroned) – Voz
Benny (Prostitute Disfigurement) – Guitarra
Sebastiaan (Tombe, Abhorrence) – Guitarra
Dani “Garghuf” Robnik (Gorgoroth, God Seed, Nefarium) – Batería
Phorgath (Enthroned , Emptiness) – Bajo


  1. hi friends at the SLOLA! my name is deepa and i am the doicetrr of the Seeds to Sew program for the Pemacouture Institute. our project is to collaborate with local seed libraries and tag your seeds for plants that have fiber & dye properties. We have already set up our program with most of the Bay Area libraries and now I’m expanding our reach (I live in Berkeley). Would love to talk more with you about this possibility.i’m likely coming to LA the weekend of May 5 for the Venice Garden tour and if this sounds interesting to you I would love to meet up and possibly teach a natural dye workshop that weekend in celebration of a possible partnership. let me know what you think. best,deepa natarajan

  2. Hello Rajnish, I wish I had seen your request eaelrir so I apologize. The San Fernando Valley Branch has chosen to meet on the 4TH FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH except in December, possibly also in November, when the room will not be available. We will meet on the 3rd Friday those months and then go back to the 4th Fridays in Jan. Please check back here monthly in case there are changes. OCTOBER MEETING WILL BE HELD IN A MEMBER’S HOME for a Canning Tomatoes Demonstration’on October’s 4th Friday. We will post their address in October. Thank you for your interest, Lori B

  3. Hi Nancy, happy to hear that you’re interested in SLOLA! Yes, all of our seeds are GMO free and for the most part orangic and heirloom. I’d encourage you to attend one of our monthly meetings (the 3rd Saturday of each month) at the Learning Garden so you can check out the library’s offerings and someone can be available to get you started or answer any questions. Look forward to meeting you!

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