

Smashing Pumpkins con más nueva música

7 comentarios Noticias

Smashing Pumpkins permite escuchar más nueva música del proyecto denominado como Teargarden by Kaleidyscope Vol. II: The Solstice Bare EP;
en este caso es el track The Fellowship:

Y luego la inédita en directo, Jesus Needs A Hit:

Todo forma parte de Teargarden By Kaleidyscope, proyecto del grupo que pretender contener 44 canciones.


  1. Gosh…this was awesome. I hope that I can got back and see all of the blogs on aneothr day as I don’t have time to «bag» them (using bag the web) to reference them later. Thanks so much to everyone. Great Freebies!

  2. thank you soooo much for these treats.. what a cool way to spend Hallowe’en bweteen handing out candy… I really appreciate all of the freebies and ideas shared and am often buying on tpt!!! Happy Hallowe’en!

  3. 2012 Engineers / Alex.If you read,understood and commented on my erinte body of work which is posted for you here on this blog, I would accept that you have a right to choosing your side I’ve taken my side and will succeed with or with out your support.At least if I’m correct we are not doomed to live and die in just a short time while stuck on this planet.You and Your heros will all die here on this planet with out a chance to achieve the infinite energy needed to over come the speed of light Good luck to you!

  4. I know one thing for sure you are doing the right thing, playing with levaes, in levaes, clay, etc, carving.I am not doing any of the above I am in my lab though earlier I was at the farmer’s market and before that riding my bike and before that walking with the kittos and that takes me to 4:30 a.m. ouch so sleepyI will go back to the older post to view that film, promise xx

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